Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Name Is No Laughing Matter

CNN's Christiane Amanpour interviewed Acting Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan. In one of the taped segments at cnn.com she said, "May I ask you, how did Goodluck come to be your name?"

"I don't know," he said while laughing (funny? nervous?). "I'll have to ask my father."

I doubt Dr. Chris is laughing. One of the first things he asks new patients and staff is what their names mean and why they think their parents chose their specific name. I admit my answer isn't profound (it means leader, and my parents just liked the sound of my name). But for an Acting President in a country where tradition and religion reign supreme, I'm with Dr. Chris.

(Photo from Google images. Speaking of babies, Dr. Ben and his wife recently had a baby girl, not to be confused with Pastor Ben and his wife's new baby girl.)

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