Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hope for West Africa

God's power at the Faith Alive Hospital in Jos, Nigeria never ceases to amaze me. Case in point today is how a group of people visited in 2004 and today lead a successful organization that's raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for Faith Alive and sent dozens of people to share their hearts and skills. That non-profit is Hope for West Africa and it serves three Nigerian agencies. Click here to see their updated website, complete with new Faith Alive projects, new board members, HFWA's history and a thoughtful blog written by my friend Terese PompaClick here to learn how HFWA connects with Faith Alive Foundation-Nigeria. 

If you're up for a challenge, search the HFWA website to find First Presbyterian Church, little Chris or the mobile clinic project. 

On behalf of the extended Faith Alive family, we are extremely grateful for HFWA's continued, faithful partnership. As I often hear Nigerians say, "May God grant them the desires of their hearts."


  1. With God's grace and teamwork there is no limit to what can be accomplished. The HFWA board is grateful for the support and encouragement of Erika and the First Presbyterian Church to help our mutual partner in Nigeria, Faith Alive.
