Tuesday, December 1, 2009

World AIDS Day

I’m ashamed to say that it took me 20 years to care about AIDS. This shows my age, but I remember first hearing about it when I was in high school and the fear of catching it was enough to keep me (mostly) on the straight and narrow. Initially it was something other people had, and then later what was infecting a lot of people across the ocean. I was overwhelmed by the number of people infected, so it was easier to concentrate on my own problems.

Today is the 21st annual World AIDS Day and I finally care. What used to be an ‘it’ is now a ‘who’ for me because I’ve met some pretty incredible people living positively with the virus. I’m honored to know dozens of them in Jos, Nigeria who model positive living as doctors, pastors, parents, teachers, and businesspeople.

Please let me know if you want to add meaning to your life and be part of the solution to the problem of AIDS. You can literally save a patient’s life through the Save-A-Life Personal Sponsorship Program (be a sponsor or general donor), or travel with me to Nigeria and see how God might want to rock your world.

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