Monday, September 17, 2012

Preaching in Pennsylvania

I used to recite this quote as an excuse to not talk about how God is alive and working in my life and the world. But since I’ve been involved with the Faith Alive Hospital in Jos, Nigeria, I can’t NOT talk about God. I’ve seen firsthand, on a regular basis, how He is faithful and active—at Faith Alive and in my own life.

Next Sunday, I have the honor of preaching at Hill United Presbyterian Church in Butler, Pennsylvania. The sermon title? You guessed it: “Faith Alive.” I plan to ask the congregation who their modern-day faith heroes are and if anyone would consider them to be a faith hero. One of mine is Dr. Christian Isichei, Founder and Coordinator of Faith Alive hospital. I’ll share some inspiring responses he's had to a few life-threatening experiences that I wrote about in the book FaithAlive: Stories of Hope and Healing from an African Doctor and His Hospital (available in print and online later this year).  

Please pray that God guides my sermon preparation and opens the congregation’s minds and hearts to hear and respond as He wants. To God be the glory as each Christian preaches the Gospel--with actions AND words. 

Monday, September 3, 2012


Just when I think I know all about Dr. Chris Isichei from the Faith Alive hospital in Jos, Nigeria, I learn something new. Check out this article by visitor Mark Ellis to read about Dr. Chris's last year in high school.